Once your order has been shipped your way, you’ll receive an email with a link to track the package. By clicking the link, you will be able to check the status of your order once it's in transit.
We understand you may need to cancel or edit your order. While we will always do our best to accommodate your needs, we are not be able to cancel or edit your order once it has reached our warehouse.
If we are not able to cancel or edit your order, we are happy to help you process an exchange or return within 30 days for any unworn product! Please reach out to us at service@american-giant.com.
Orders take one to two business days to be processed. Orders placed over the weekend will be processed and shipped the next business day.
Enter the E-gift card ID presented to you into the E-gift card or discount code box during checkout. You can use multiple E-gift cards during a single checkout, and any remainder will be saved for a future purchase.
Place the order using your information (email, name, and address) and forward the E-gift card to them directly.
Follow the link here to buy one of the preset E-gift card amounts.
At this time discounts /promo codes are only able to be applied during checkout, not retroactively. However, depending on the code you may be able to apply it towards your next experience. Promo codes and bundled pricing cannot be combined.
Please allow 24-48 hours for the tracking information to update with the carrier.
Price adjustments can only be made within 14 days of your purchase. Please reach out to our customer support team at service@american-giant.com.